We do offer our studio on a for-hire basis fully staffed at pricing that we feel is very reasonable: $5,000 for a mastering session wherein we shoot and process up to (5) 16” x 12” masters; up to (3) 20” x 14” transmission master (H1’s); or a single 30” x 22” master (our largest transmission format). Reflection copies can be ordered at any time ranging from $325 (for 16” x 12” in lots of five) to $650 for 20” x 14” H2’s.
With the transmission masters in-hand, a number of studios can produce high quality white light reflection transfers using several types of commercial lasers. From our own experience, we have had copies produced using HeNe, Nd:YAG, Krypton and Argon lasers - from several different studios all of which were of excellent quality. Now, with diode lasers producing several hundred mW at 650nm and DPSS lasers producing watts of narrowband output at 532nm - the opportunity exists to commission custom portraits in our studio; leave with the masters and produce image-plane transfers with a relatively inexpensive CW diode or DPSS system and a stable table.