The third display fixture we have designed at Laser Reflections is something we call the DispLase. The DispLase showcases an underutilized characteristic of holographics: namely the ability to turn on and off as the function of an oscillating light source. The DispLase features a holograph (in front) and a real product (behind) with two 12V halogen lights built into (and concealed by) a platform supporting both the image and the product. As the lights oscillate, the viewer sees first the image and then the product. When we are approached to do “product shots” (holographic images of shoes, watches, soda cans, etc) we steer the customer towards the DispLase. The real product invariably looks better than the holographic image would of said same (it’s true colored and viewable from all angles) - and the holographic portrait serves to complement the product giving it a seamless, silent and very effective endorsement.